Design Time

Creating spaces that you never want to leave!

Every Friday I will be posting a blog on design tips and creative ideas to make your apartment feel like home on a budget. This will include differing design ideas for both interior and exterior spaces. This week’s focus is on designing bedrooms. 

The Importance of Interior Design on Mental Health 

When researching how interior design affects mental health, Chloe Taylor in Psychology Tomorrow magazine, says it best, “Although the bond between interior design and our emotions has gained much attention in the last decade, this form of environmental psychology exits for thousands of years now - the Indian Vastus Shastra, the Chinese Fend Shui, etc. Because of the rise of neuroscience, scientists are doing plenty of research on this topic and finding the most incredible results. They have shown the ability of interior design elements to evoke a positive or negative emotional response in people. These findings open the door to design spaces that consciously manipulate decorative elements with the goal of encouraging creativity, peace, and happiness.” 


Finding the right design and room layout can be challenging when it comes to decorating your bedroom. When decorating my room, I couldn’t decide which color I wanted to be my comforter or what wall designs I wanted and how it would all come together. It took me hours on Pinterest and Amazon searching for comforter sets, tapestries, posters, rugs, and anything else you can imagine in the room of someone who had complete creative freedom. Eventually, I found the perfect comforter, created a book page wall art, and hung beautiful pictures all over. Take a look below!  


Showing image of a bedroom, design with string lights, wall art, and bed set. 

Image Credit: Amber Brown 


One of the first things to decide is how you want your space to flow. This includes understanding how big your room is and most importantly where you want your bed to go. After placing your bed, it will be easier to place everything else around it. This includes desks, dressers, TVs, storage units, mini refrigerators, chairs, plants, and decorations. Creating a center allows everything to flow naturally from that focal point. It could also bring symmetry depending on the space and placement of other items.  


Along with spatial fluidity, functionality is very important. Consider the space you need to open your door, the space needed to open a closet door or dresser drawers. Know where your outlets are. Wherever you plan to have lights, technology, or other electrical objects, make sure there are outlets near or close enough to use an extension cord. Dysfunction such as having to move a storage bin to open the door or only being able to charge your phone when you’re sitting at your desk is inconvenient. The goal of functionality is to create a space that makes it easier to complete your everyday tasks. For more tips on bedroom functionality and floor plans, read ELEVEN TIPS FOR DESIGNING A BEDROOM FLOOR PLAN LIKE AN EXPERT DESIGNER. 


Image showing black and white sketched bedroom layout.

Image Credit: Dreamstime 



Determining a color scheme is one of the most important aspects of the bedroom. Typically, this is the room that most time is spent in, especially for college students. Your bedroom should be a place of comfort. Color is vital as it can affect the perception of the room’s size as well as affect your mood. Some people choose their favorite colors while others choose the colors that make them feel at home. 


Neutral colors and white make spaces feel cozy and open. They tend to not affect the mood much. If anything, they bring a stillness or relaxation. To add vibrancy or character to a neutral scheme, accent pieces such as art, wallpaper, and furniture could be used.  

Image showing neutral bedroom designs and decorations such as bedding, desk, chairs, and pictures.
                                                                                Image Credit: Pinterest   


Blues are known for their calming, resting, and cooling feelings. Lighter shades create an airier feeling while darker shades will bring depth and darken the area. Different shades of blue, green, gray, and white can be paired to have that calming effect. 

Image showing college bedroom displaying blue color scheme through decoration.


Image Credit: Pinterest


Red can be intense and bring feelings of excitement and passion. Within the red family, pinks and lighter shades are often known for softness and peace. Vibrant reds should be limited in the bedroom. Pink and lighter shades paired with other warm or neutral colors will make for a cozy room. 

Image showing college bedroom displaying red color scheme through bedroom decorations.

Image Credit: Always Meliss 


Black rooms bring a feeling of darkness, sophistication, and confidence. Pairing black with white or vibrant contrasting colors can make the room feel bigger. It also brings balance and complexity to design. 

Image showing college bedroom displaying black color scheme through bedroom decorations.

Image Credit: Pinterest 



Green gives feelings of relaxation and feelings of connection. It is a soothing color to most. Pairing lighter shades of green with neutral colors gives a natural, sincere vibe. 

Image showing college bedroom displaying green color scheme through bedroom decorations.

Image Credit: Newdecortrends 



Purple is known for bringing soothing and comforting feelings. In the bedroom it often makes people feel well rested and revitalized. Purples can be paired with other shades of purples and grays for a balance scheme. 

Image showing college bedroom displaying purple color scheme through bedroom decorations.

Image Credit: Hunker  


Style & Theme 

Determining a general style or multiple is another step in creating your dream room. Your desired style will determine your bedding set, any wall decorations, accessories, and furniture. To find your style or theme, consider your favorite color, hobbies, personal interests, inspirations, and clothing style. Some examples are boho, sports, music, glam, color, beach, geometric designs, gaming, etc. You also want to consider what balance you need to enjoy your space but not be overwhelmed by the decorations. If you have multiple styles, there are ways to combine them. Start by picking your favorite aspects from each.  

For example, I love both rooms in the images below, and they have their similarities and differences. The string lights, the plants, butterflies, and neutral tones are some of my favorite details from the boho room. While in the music-inspired room, the posters, band tapestry, and darker shades speak to me. These seem very contrasting, but there is a way to make them come together. I could create balance throughout my posters, by having a mix of music and art. I could also play around with color. Mixing neutrals with darker shades throughout bedding, pillows, and other decorations. Adding personal elements such as musical instruments, personal photographs, plants, or handmade art can also help make your design come together. 



Boho Music 

Image showing college bedroom displaying boho theme through bedroom decorations. Image showing bedroom displaying music theme through bedroom decorations.

Image Credit: Pinterest Image Credit: Pinterest 


More Next Week 

Join me every Friday for more design tips and creative ideas. I will continue to share how to create your dream spaces. Next week I’ll be diving into how to find all you need to decorate and function in your bedroom on a budget. Please feel free to comment on your own personal process for decorating or what color or style you have in your own room! 


  1. Wow, The progress you have made from your first post to this is incredible. The website, is perfectly color coordinated and organized. I love the images you incorporated and just the functionality of this blog. Reading this is so informative, brings back memories of when I stayed on campus and just welcoming. Overall this blog is becoming a fav of my mine, an dI think you are doing great thing, keep it up!

  2. This post is so incredibly helpful, not just for college students but everyone who needs help with interior design in their home! I like how you touched on the importance of interior design and mental health because I agree, your living space can affect you negatively and positively. Your links for tips on designing floor plans and where to buy most of these items were also helpful. The color scheme portion was my favorite feature, you really went in depth with what these colors can do and not do for a space. SO interesting!


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